Don’t fuck ya’ self in the end.

My “player ways” did nothing for me, but make me insecure. They don’t teach us that being a “player” is nothing but insecurity bleeding out. Now as a grown man I’m here dealing with the anxiety of projecting what I got from other women on mine.

Everyone’s purpose combined, creates the kingdom of God. I wish I was able to find mine at an earlier age. Instead, I feel like as a prince, I wasn’t properly shown how to be a King.

that’s not a shot at the role models that I had growing up because ignorance is bliss. However, it is a wake up call for me to do a better job teaching the young men who come after me.

In the end you will have to face yourself before the judgement of God. I’m here to tell you to not be able to love your woman freely because of your experience with other women is a fucked up feeling. I just wish I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t scared to speak on It.

For my guys who might not understand in these terms let me break It down for you.. remember that one time you were smashing on that chick that had a bf and he called and you told ya homies how these hoes ain’t shit and you thought you were cool

Just remember karma has no time limit and doesn’t always look exactly how It was dished out. You think that doesn’t affect you now, until you have a woman, she’s out and so happens to fall asleep early

Now you’re left to deal with the anxiety of your mind filling with old thoughts in your head of what you use to do. You lack trust now, and no relationship can thrive without It. Something you had no idea could affect you is the key thing that’s holding you back from true love.

Young men, I say be careful of what you invite in your home (your heart) what might seem cool now can come back to bite you in the ass.

Post by Jay Hill

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