Five On It With Mark Savage

April 3, 2021




North Carolina native Mark Savage considers himself a jack of all trades – and rightfully so. After making his way through college as a student-athlete on the dean’s list, he decided to enlist in the military. Once done serving his time there, he came home and decided to join the ranks of corporate America.

However, he uses music as his vehicle to accomplish it all. “I wanted to be somebody who our community could embrace,” he says. “But I wanted to use that platform to educate.” That education takes finds its home in his other ventures such as real estate with Durr Capital Group and his clothing brand, Bag Chasers Apparel.

He broke everything down in his latest interview with Mr. Jay Hill, and additionally gave his top five tips for entrepreneurs in our “Five On It” segment. Read Mark Savage’s tips below, and be sure to watch his interview with Mr. Jay Hill here.


Mark Savage’s Top Five Tips For Entrepreneurs


Don’t hold back on investing money, time, and your pride. It’s necessary for your vision and goals. Everybody will find a way to do something they’re really passionate about.



[DUNS is abbreviated for Date Universal Numbering System] Everyone talks about LLC’s, S CORP’s, etc. Nobody mentions how to get that business financed. Establishing business credit is the key.



Never be afraid to ask somebody who is doing what you want to do, “how can I do this?” You’ll be surprised at the game and information you could receive.



Your goals might not come true in three years, five years, maybe not even in 10 years. But when it’s your time, it’ll be perfect timing.



Never put all your eggs in one basket. Wear as many hats as you can. It may feel overwhelming, but just remember that’s what it’s supposed to feel like. Embrace that process!


Be sure to watch Mark Savage’s interview with Mr. Jay Hill below:

Post by Justice

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