The Avengers by Myles Moody

July 2, 2020

Myles Moody



The most memorable movies all have one crucial element in particular that they share. What’s that one critical piece of information you may ask? Is it the dialogue that immediately jumps off the page creating the iconic phrases and sayings of our favorite theatrical characters? Is it the central conflict? The essential fight between good and evil, the old self vs. the new self, life vs. death? Is it the minor details that seemingly go unnoticed? The set design, the background props, the costumes the extras wear? Honestly all of these elements are a part of the bloodline that makes the machine run however, the string that ties everything together has to be the talented team.
The right team functions in a similar manner to a collection of superheroes. Each member is a well-crafted avenger that has a specific talent that is suited to strengthen the team. For example The Black Panther has his vibranium, and The Hulk has his strength. All the members have such an integral part to play in the “mission” that without a single member, the team falls apart. Every player is important and one person’s weakness may be another person’s strong suit. However, before the team meets this substantial peak of conditioning, there always has to be a training period that prepare them for the major confrontation and two weeks ago if you had told me I would be in my training period at this very moment I wouldn’t have believed you.
Becoming an intern for Jay Hill has been a pretty interesting experience to say the least. During this pandemic I’ve been working on a lot of areas in my life, and one in particular has been risk-taking. Seeing an opportunity and not having a million thoughts about how it could potentially backfire or why it flat out wouldn’t work. This opportunity literally came at the perfect time in my life. I was looking for the chance to grow and expand my talents and on my phone it magically popped up. An instagram post highlighting an opportunity to be an intern for Jay Hill and make my own mark. It was time to make a choice. Do I sit back and let this opportunity pass me by or do I take charge and see what could happen? I took the latter route and now I’m officially in week two developing with the team.
It is an amazing feeling to be a part of a team, particularly this group because our main dreams may all be different however, we all have something we can bring to the table that contributes to one another. From writers like me producing my first published blog post, to music producers, editors, sound designers, you name we have it. It still amazes me that by simply taking a chance on myself I’ve been put into direct contact with a whole set of people like me just looking to accomplish something bigger than they could’ve ever imagined? Now if you ask me that sounds like one of those classic movies in the making, the only thing we’re missing now is the release date.
Post by Myles Moody

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